You have a website and you are very proud of it ..... except that every time you need to make a small alteration, swap a photo, add some new text, add a new link (or remove an old one), change a phone number or update your price list ..... what happens?
- Your original web-designer has disappeared (or gone out of business)!!
- You try to make the changes yourself but ftp, html, php, java, cgi and Wordpress are incomprehensible to you!!
- Your friend, who knows something about computers, has a go and your website now looks awful!!
- All the website designers you can find in the phone book want to charge you a fortune, out of all proportion with the minor changes you want!!!!
We are the answer to all your problems with our unique après-web service, we can update your website for our very reasonable standard hourly fee or propose a yearly "maintenance" fee including as many changes as you want.
We also provide training schemes to enable you to update your website yourself in the future. |